Monday, April 23, 2018

Music Monday: Celebrating Earth Day

Music Monday: For this Monday, we are celebrating the planet we live on :

Hope everyone does their small part for this planet and has a wonderful Monday


  1. This is one of the first times I've heard Ziggy Marley - I really enjoyed Dragonfly, bongo and all. John Denver makes me so nostalgic - this was a perfect song for Earth Day. But best of all was Neil Young - an oldie and goodie. He has aged well.

  2. Those are all awesome choices, Patrick! I loved them all! :)

  3. Whoa, cannot go wrong with Ziggy and Alabama that's for sure and all the others is just frosting on the cake! YOU ROCK!!!

  4. Patrick,

    WOW, so many song introductions in one post! I can't believe none of these jingled a bell with me, except for John Denver's song, 'The Garden'. I figured I'd recognize Alabama's tune but I can't say 100% for sure if I know it. Ziggy plays guitar good. I like his style. Is this Bob Marley's son? Sophie Hawkins peaked my interest. I'm going to check out more of her mewsic on YouTube in a bit. Thanks for saving a dance for me and have a tunetastic week, my friend!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'T' Turtle Couple

  5. Oh, how I love all your selections this week. And so surprised to hear a new-to-me ZIGGY MARLEY tune, to boot!


  6. OMC! Neil Young, Eddie Vedder and Ziggy Marley! Great tunes.

  7. I didn't know that Ziggy sang that song.
    Very good line up!
    Thanks for dancing!


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