Monday, October 29, 2018

Random Halloween Photos

I am not much of a Halloween guy but I can get into the spirit of things (I guess). Here are some random photos celebrating the day that I saw while walking around:

While doing my daily walk I saw this house that was all decked out:

And a couple of people:

I saw these people outside a liquor store near the Glen Park BART station
And even though I am not a Halloween person, I do own one Halloween decoration:

With the lights out
I hope everyone has a great and safe Halloween.


  1. Great medley of photos!! I love every holiday!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. LOL brilliant

    Have a scarytastic week :-)

  3. The spooky stuff is not my bag, i'm more into the kids in funny costumes and The Great Neighborhood Candy Exchange.

  4. Fun and creative photos of Halloween Festivities!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. The spider would be enough to do me in! #triumphanttales

  6. Fabulous pics. You really know which one to take and make it your own. My favorite one I have to admit is The Nightmare before Christmas with Jack & his lady. So sweet! HAPPY HALLOWEEN & thanks for sharing.. great show! HUGS... AND TRICK OR TREAT! hehehehehehe

  7. Scary and cool pirate! Thanks for linking up and wishing you a fab Halloween. I'll post a couple of cute pics with the Halloween theme on Insta.

  8. I've never understood the appeal of Halloween and Australia has jumped on board with it more and more over the last several years. We close our blinds on the night and hope nobody knocks on our door (or eggs our house!) I enjoyed your pics though.
    MLSTL and I've shared on my SM :)

  9. Oh my goodness you have certainly captured Halloween, Patrick! Thanks for sharing at #MLSTL and Happy Halloween.

  10. Those photos look like all those folks had a ball dressing up for Halloween! So glad to see you link up with us for #WW, Patrick. I like your Halloween decoration. Have fun! Happy Halloween! :)

  11. Such fun Halloween photos! I loved Halloween when my kids were little, but now I don't do anything for Halloween.

  12. These will get you in the mood for Halloween! Thank you for stopping by and sharing at Words that Inspire!

  13. Thanks for sharing your Halloween pics. #MLSTL

  14. Thank you for sharing this great collection of photos at The Really Crafty Link Party this week, and happy Halloween!

  15. There are some really cool decorations around town. Some people go all out and others like us do nothing at all. I do enjoy seeing what others do though.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  16. Those are some scary-looking decorations!

  17. Not a favorite holiday of mine either, but you did find some fun photo opportunities. :)

  18. I love Halloween! Very beautiful photos ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Halloween isn't a huge thing here in Australia but is getting more popular (and I'm fine with that). I love that people go to so much trouble and get so excited about it all.

  20. I like Halloween, but I prefer the less scary side of things. Looks like your neighbourhood really gets into the spirit! Great photos! Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope to see you again this week. Have a great week ahead!

  21. I'm with you - I'm not a Halloween person, but I enjoy seeing what everyone else does. I have only 2 or 3 specific 'Halloween' decorations - that's enough for me! ;)

  22. OH MY GOSH, too spooky for me! Great for those who love something creepy lol #Ablogginggoodtime

  23. Halloween has got so much bigger over here since I was a kid. It's great to take inspiration from other people's pictures. Thank you for sharing with #TriumphantTales.

  24. You got some great shots here. I would love to see these. Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join me tomorrow :)


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