Sunday, September 1, 2024

Music Monday: Dedicated to the Worker

 We are celebrating Labor Day here in the United States. Here are some songs dedicated to those who work and make this country great:


  1. One can never go wrong with Bily Joel, Donna Summer or Rush. Billy Joel, especially, has a few working man tributes (thinking of Downeast Alexa) worthy of a Labor Day.

  2. Those are all terrific tunes! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. The first video not available in Canada, but the rest of them are perfect for Labour Day! Hard to believe it's September already.

  4. You have some great picks! Donna Summer....WOW, what a voice!

  5. Wow! There's a Rush song I can listen to. I hate Getty Lee's voice but he did high pitch it here, thankfully. I'm not one for that 2nd last song..a bit too strange for me. Enjoyed all the others


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