Monday, February 10, 2025

Looking From a Rooftop


San Francisco has many spaces that are considered Privately Owned Public Open Spaces (POPOS). The Luma Hotel in the Mission Bay District has one on their rooftop and I got to visit it:

Part of the Bay Bridge

I always love seeing these open spaces.


  1. Very neat views from above! I have never heard of privately owned public open spaces before.

  2. I'd also not heard of this POPOS...#Allseasons

  3. I love our city's POPOS, but I never heard of this one. Will have to check it out one of these days.

  4. That's quite a view, is that like where a naval base is?

  5. ...privately Owned Public Open Spaces is aterm that is new to me. The views are fabulous.

  6. I've been all over this area. Such fun things to explore.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Patrick. ☺

  7. didn't know that concept. interesting.

  8. Havent heard that term before. Love these photos - a different perspective of San Francisco than the usual! Thanks for sharing with everyday Images.

  9. These are really neat views.
    Visiting today from SSPS 347 #24,25,26&27.

  10. I love pictures that are taken from the rooftops. It makes you feel like you have a bird's eye view of the world. Stopping in from SSPS!

  11. Fascinating the different building shapes - Very creative architecture.
    Thanks for sharing at

  12. Lovely views. Thank you for sharing and participating at SSPS 347. See you at #348 Hope you had a fun Valentine's Day

  13. I remember San Fran as a kid, these are some really good shots! Thank you for sharing and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.

  14. POPOS! What a marvellous idea and how neighbourly of the people that own them to make them available to others - very civilised. Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  15. I love the concept of the public spaces! Thanks for sharing with SSPS!

  16. What a city! Have a good start of the week!

  17. Incredible views! I love all the photos you shared. Thank you fort sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #76. :)


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