Monday, November 6, 2017

The Rolling Stones Exhibit

When I was in Las Vegas, I went to  The Palazzo Hotel and they had The Rolling Stones Exhibit going on. I have liked the Stones since I was a kid and think that they are influential groups in rock history. It was neat to see them evolve through the years (sorry I did not take notes but just enjoyed the exhibit). They had everything from outfits they wore over the years, to the guitars they used, to concert posters. It basically all Rolling Stones:

The coolest thing was seeing some the outfits they have worn over the years:

The Rolling Stones are one of rock's greatest bands spanning over fifty years and still going strong It was nice to see a collection of their history in one place:


  1. The Rolling Stones are so iconic aren't they? I don't know anyone who couldn't name at least one Rolling Stones song that speaks to them of a time in their life. The exhibit would have been great to see.

  2. I'd buy a ticket. We're they playing Stones music too?

  3. What a great post!! Love The Stones!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!! Glad you liked the post about m husband and sons trip to Pittsburgh. They are looking forward to going back next year..

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed this post used to love the Stones those posters remind me of when I was a kid

    Have a jaggertastic week :-)

  5. Patrick,

    Sometimes it's good to not take note, live in the moment while snapping pictures. I can't say I'm a huge Stones' fan but they do some songs I like plus they are a piece of rock history still very much in the making with an impressive 50+ years. I guarantee you won't a modern group lasting this long. Thanks for sharing and linking with me today!

  6. How fun! I really like the Rolling Stones. That time period with music was/is amazing.

  7. My husband would love this as he is a huge stones fan#mudpiefriday@_karendennis

  8. My favorite photo from your gallery here, Patrick, is the artist's rendering of Mick Jagger. Wow! So wonderful! Thanks for sharing this with us. It's always fun to see where your travels take you, my friend!

  9. This is so cool Patrick, love the stuff you get to see #sharethejoylinky

  10. I missed the one they have here in NYC. Love the band and their eternal songs..

  11. A great collection!

  12. Whoa! Is that cool or what? Thanks so much for sharing my friend you always have the neatest pictures I've ever seen on any blog.. Sorry to say even my own! bwahahaha Love comin' over here just to see whatcha got posted. Great photos and I bet you had a great time. HUGS

  13. I would have loved seeing this exhibit. I too love them.

    Have a fabulous Wordless or Wordy Wednesday. ☺

  14. Hi Patrick, What a great collection. You really get to experience some cool places. I think where I am from I could cover that in about a day. I really liked the outfits. I always enjoy looking at stuff like that at Museums. It always brings things to life for me. Thanks for joining us this week back at Sitting Among Friends. Glad you could be there!

  15. Great post with wonderful photos. It would great to see in person,

  16. The Stones are like the energizer bunny and those outfits are outrageous! Thank you for sharing with us at Celebrate Your Story, and have a great weekend.

  17. The outfits are neat! Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More and for always leaving sweet comments on both blogs!

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  19. How cool that you found the Stones exhibit there!

    It's been a while since I have been to Las Vegas. I didn't have a particularly good experience the first time, but I should give the town another chance ;).

  20. Looks quite interesting. I would definitely be interested in seeing some of the old posters :)

    Thanks as always for stopping by and supporting our WW!


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