Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Oakland A's Root Beet Float Day

One of the cooler events the Oakland A's put on before a game is the Root Beer Float Day. For $10 you buy a mug and get free Root Beer Floats in the area known as the Treehouse. You are encouraged to tip the local celebrites when you get one (or many floats). All the money goes to the A's Community Fund which does good things in the East Bay:

The staff from local station KRON (Channel 4) doling out a float
KCBS (740am) Staff having some fun
Oakland A's radio voice Vince Cotroneo
The Oakland A's wives
Former A's catcher and now broadcaster Ray Fosse
Sharks mascot SJ Sharkie
The legendary voice of the San Jose Sharks- Dan Rusanowsky
A's President David Kaval
A's Centerfielder Ramon Laureano
The legend-Rickey Henderson Signing a ball and he was making floats also
Root Beer Float Day by the A's is a really cool thing and the best part of it is that the money goes back into the community.


  1. Sounds like a great event. I have not had a rootbeer float in years! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead!

  2. What a great time! I haven't had a root beer float in a long time. I know they are so good! Thanks for linking up!

  3. WOW, Root Beer Day sounds like lots and lots of fun! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. ...I'm not much of a ball fan, but root beer floats are another matter!

  5. That sounds like an awesome event.

  6. looks awesome. I'm a Sox fan but I'd still be super excited to get a floar from Ricky Henderson #anythinggoes


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