Sunday, January 31, 2021

Music Monday: Looking for the Sweet Spot

 Music Monday: We are just trying to find a sweet spot in music this week:


  1. You definitely found the sweet spot. That Christine Aguilera video is amazing.

  2. Patrick,

    Fabulous sweet! I agree with Robin on Christine Aguilera's video. I remember the first time I saw this how impressed I was and how much I enjoyed her sorta retro style song. Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor, my friend!

  3. You nailed the sweet spot very nicely, Patrick. Love your play-list.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ☺

  4. You did find the sweet spot this week, between Guns N'Roses, Annie Lenox and those last two nostalgic music videos. This was full of sugar and everything nice!


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