Thursday, August 29, 2024

More Random Boise


Boise is such a beautiful place. Here are some more random photos of the city:

They had some vintage tractors and farm equipment downtown to look at:

And just some random stuff:

This beer is the best

Boise is such an amazing place. I can't wait to go back.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A's Drone Show


I went to the A's game on Friday night and they had a Pixar Drone Show after the game. I have never photographed a Drone Show, so I hope that these photos are good:

It was a fun show and I enjoyed it.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Welcome to Freak Alley Gallery


Freak Alley Gallery is one of the coolest places to go to in Boise. It started in 2002 with one drawing and has become the northwest's largest open-air mural gallery:

and a little video I took:

Freak Alley Gallery is so super cool, it is amazing to see all these works of art on these walls.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Music Monday: Back to School

 We started classes on Monday at my school, another year at my middle school.  We actually got a little teaching in:

But this is about music and here are some songs about going Back to School:

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and everyone (students, teachers, admin and parents (and grandparents) have a wonderful school year.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Walking at Samuel P. Taylor Park

I went for a short hike at Samuel P. Taylor Park in Lagunitas which is in Marin County:

It was a good, little hike and something that was needed.