Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Kimono Design in the Meiji Period


The Legion of Honor in San Francisco has an exhibit going on that focuses on Kimono Design during the Meiji Period (1868-1912).  Zuan-Cho translate to "Design Idea Books" and the Legion of Honor had some Zuan-Cho from that period:

It was really cool seeing these design books (or Zuan-Cho) from over 100 years ago. Japan during the Meiji Era was changing as a society as they were going from a closed society to a society that became more open to the world and you can see all the different influences in the designs.


  1. Oh they are real art works. I remember my granny had one that my grandfather brought from Japan.

  2. Oooh, this is super cool! I would love to see this in person! You know how I love my kimonos!



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