Sunday, August 18, 2024

Music Monday: All Over the Place

 Music Monday: Kind of all over the place for this Music Monday:

And two tributes as two musical stars passed away over the past week:

The first was Greg Kihn who passed away last Tuesday at age 75. Kihn was popular in the early 80's and went on to become an author and popular radio DJ in the San Francisco Bay Area:

The second one was Jack Russell who was a founding member and vocalist for the hard rock band Great White. He passed last Thursday and was 63:

Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. Two outstanding performance in this set - first, Shane Hawkins and the Foo Fighters - Shane drummed his 17 year old heart out paying tribute to his late father. And, Heart covering Stairway to Heaven with Led Zeppelin members in the audience. What a tribute that was, too. The one sad note - Jack Russell. I can not think of Great White without thinking of the Rhode Island nightclub fire at one of his performances that killed 100 people, including the band's guitarist. Although he bore no blame, I know that fire haunted Russell for the rest of his life. May he rest in peace, finally.

  2. Good music! Two music legends gone too soon! Thanks for joining the 4M party, Patrick. Have a boogietastic week!!

  3. What a walk down memory lane. I loved Greg Kihn!

  4. These are great and that Heart tribute is iconic.


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