Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bay Area Book Festival

We had the Bay Area Book Festival over the weekend. It was held in Downtown Berkeley and it was was awesome. They had a lot of local writers, local book presses,book stores and free book giveaways out. They also had a lot of forums and places to meet different writers. It was a really cool event:

At the open mic
A book reading
And the writers:

Jeanette Watts promoting her book
Motivational Speaker Trenia Today at her booth
Fantasy and Paranormal author Jenna Johnson singing a poster
YA writer Virginia Boecker answering questions
I had two highlights. The first was meeting and getting to talk to Dave Zirin who has written many of  the"People's History" books.:

Dave Zirin autographing my book

The second was going to a forum by Peter Coyote and then getting to meet him afterword. That was super cool:

Peter Coyote (left) reading from his book
Peter Coyote and his book

The Bay Area Book Festival was super. This was the first one I hope there are many more.
(I am working on answering everybody's wonderful comments. I hate the last the month of school, it is chopped full of events)


  1. Looks like tons of fun! I love book festivals.

  2. I agree it looked like fun...I haven't been to one in years :-(

    Have a booktastic day :-)

  3. Wow that is a great book fest!!!! Lots of reading and knowledge gained from books!! I dont read enough! Oh unless we count online.

  4. As an author myself - I love this!

  5. Loves like a great place to visit!

  6. This looks like my kind of event. I dabble in writing, but no one has wanted to publish my five novels.


  7. Wud love to see more pics of Berkley, I hear it's a lot like here.

  8. Very cool! Looks like a fun event!

  9. That looks like a fun place to be. Thanks for joining us on Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!


  10. OOhhhh amazing event to attend! I havent been to a book event lately and this post made me miss attending one =)

  11. WOW, looks like so much fun filled with amazing opportunities to buy good material and meet some authors, too. Enjoy your summer, Patrick!

    I Can See Clearly #WW

  12. Looks like my kind of event. Wish events like this happened closer to home.

    S'More Cake WW at Royalegacy

  13. Cool! A book fair is always cool, but you even get to meet the authors? How neat is that. Thank you so much for sharing such a cool day you had Patrick. You really go to so many nice places in your town.

  14. What a great event. I go to the Dubai one whenever I can. I find meeting authors so inspirational

  15. What a great venue! Love that city!

  16. Reading is one of life's simple pleasures! Glad to know you enjoy reading, too.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/06/in-memoriam-ling.html

  17. Oh yeah the end of school is always rough! Looks like a fun time!

  18. Wow! That's terrific! I would love to attend a book festival. I wish they had one in my neck of the woods!

  19. That looks like fun! That reminds me...I need to get on the public library's site here to enter all the books my kids have read.

  20. Looks like a fab event, how great to meet so many great authors! Thanks for linking with #allaboutyou

  21. As a book lover, this looks like so much fun!

  22. Book festival! Ahhh!!! I want one in my city too!

  23. would love to go to something like this!! amazing opportunity and how nice that you were able to meet some authors you enjoy. I think I would fangirl and faint if I ever had the chance to meet Stephen King!

  24. I love book festivals! This one looks like it was fabulous!

    Thank you for linking up with the #REASONS2TRAVEL linkup!

  25. I love book festivals! Do you like living in the Bay Area? cheers from kidcandoodle.com!

  26. wow cool - I never went to a book festival - looks awesome :)

  27. Whoo how cool is this!! Looks like a great event :)

  28. Cool festival! I love the lady in period dress :) Thanks for joining the #REASONS2TRAVEL linkup!!

  29. I love books so thanks for sharing on #wednesdayswisdom

  30. Wow! So fun. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you stopping by to party with us. We hope to see you, tonight at 7 pm. Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  31. Looks like such a fun event! Thank you for sharing at Pin Worthy Wednesday!

  32. What a fantastic event, I'd love to attend something like that. I'm glad you shared at Bound by Books. For what it's worth, jeannie.

  33. Looks like a fun event! Thank you for sharing at Waiting on...Wednesday!

    Holly @ www.iwillservewhileiwait.blogspot.com

  34. Thanks for linking up with Booknificent Thursday last week. Unfortunately, my site is down so there won't be a link-up this week. I hope to be back up and running next week and hope to see you there!

  35. I wish I lived closer -- I would have LOVED to go!

    Thank you so much for sharing this at Grandma Ideas Sharing Time link party. It’s a great post! Thank you so much for sharing this at Grandma Ideas Sharing Time link party. (I've pinned it!)

    All the best,

  36. It sounds like a great event and how fantastic that you had the chance to meet the authors. Thank you for joining the #REASONS2TRAVEL linkup. Are you on twitter?

    Angie from reasons to dress, fashion, travel and life as a mom in Italy.


Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.