Monday, September 16, 2024

A Visit to Old St Mary's Cathedral


Old St. Mary's Cathedral is located in Chinatown. It has been part of San Francisco since 1854. In 1891, it went from a cathedral to a regular parish church, but it retained the same name.  It survived the 1906 earthquake but inside was gutted by the fires from the earthquake. The church was renovated in 1907. It is still a working parish:

The inside is amazing:

But what what is totally amazing about the church is the stained glass throughout the church:

Old St. Mary's is a true San Francisco treasure and I hope it stays that way for many more years.


  1. When we were there back in '67, we went to Mass there. Gorgeous church...

  2. All that stained glass really is quite beautiful.

  3. It's a beautiful old church. I like the stained-glass windows.
    I am also quite fond of the small glass modernist building across the street. But the last time I was over there it seemed in bad shape :(

  4. What a lovely cathedral I enjoyed your photos :-)
    Have a sacredtastic week Patrick 👍

  5. So pretty. The old cathedrals are so beautiful

  6. Amazing stained glass work there! The building looks great too.
    Nice to know about St. Mary's Cathedral.


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