Monday, September 23, 2024

Powered by the Flower Piano


It has become a tradition on this blog that I go to the Flower Piano at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens this time of the year. 

Flower Piano is an event where they put pianos in different places in the Gardens. They have some scheduled performances, but if a piano is empty and their are no scheduled performances then anyone can jump one:

Here are some the random performaces:

Here are some of the schedule performances that I saw:

Tin Yi Chelsea Wong

Tom Jonesing

Allison Lovejoy and Kymry Esainko

Michael Mclntosh

And you got to walk around the Botanical Garden:

Artist M.J. Lazarski

I had a wonderful time. Also, about this next year you will be reading about the 2025 version on this event. 

1 comment:

Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.