Sunday, September 22, 2024

Music Monday: Having an Ice Cream with Your Grandma

  For this Music Monday, we are sharing songs about Grandmothers and Ice Cream both are so very important. I never knew a grandmother and feel that is a void in my life but I am so happy that my kids have been (still able) to get with their grandmother (something that I encourage even as they are adults) on their mother's side

Hope everyone has a great week and buy your grandmother an ice cream or if she has passed then have an ice cream in her honor.


  1. I only knew one of my grandmothers (the other died years before I was born) and the one I knew was already, sadly, in failing health. For that reason I was so happy that my son was able to know his grandmother into his adulthood before she passed away. These were all good selections, especially the first two.


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