Monday, May 6, 2013

Downtown San Leandro Farmers Market

I need to blog more. Just haven't been feeling it or haven't enough time as people I work with have decided to come to work on rare occasions. I got a lot of stuff to blog.

This one is about the Downtown San Leandro Farmers Market. In the last year or so, I have been really getting into Farmers Market's. I think that they are cool. I have trying to buy fruit at them and making a fruit salad for breakfast or a fruit drink in the blender. Who knows I might take a pic of that stuff:
Eggs straight from the kitchen

People walking around the Downtown San Leandro Farmers Marker
Fresh Flowers
Fresh Bell Peppers
Organic Strawberries

Nuts and dried fruits
Lovely tomatoes
As besides great food items there is always something to do:

Something for the younger crowd
Peddle to make some electricity
A Farmers Market always needs live music
The Downtown San Leandro Farmers Market is nice way to spend an evening. It is held every Wednesday from 4pm to 8pm.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this brings back so many memories, as we once lived on a farm! We got fresh eggs almost every day...and yes, they ARE better tasting than the white ones, lol! We had a fruit orchard as well that produced some of the best white/yellow peaches, pears, Mustang grapes, apples and cranapples. As always...LOVE your photos Patrick! Thanks for sharing them with us! Have a good one!!


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