Sunday, November 19, 2023

Music Monday: A Road Trip Mix

 Music Monday: So I did my annual drive to Las Vegas from the Bay Area. Going to start with some road trip songs:

And because they had the F1 race in Vegas (I didn't go to):

And I am so Thankful that anyone reads this blog:

And we all need to remember:

I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving and I am so thankful for you.


  1. Great road playlist. I've never seen that U2 video before-it was absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for your music blogging.

  2. Patrick,

    So happy you got to make your annual trip to Vegas. Good music makes the journey fun. I hope you have a boogietastic week and a blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for being a regular on the dance floor and for being a good friend! :)

  3. Awesome selections, Patrick! Perfect road trip songs! :) Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Wow, crazy weekend to be in Vegas if you weren't there for f1. Was it chaotic? I loved the One clip. I'd not seen it or heard the song before. I've been following f1 since the Prost days so it was really lovely seeing a lot of those drivers that I loved over the years (and Niki and Jean Todt). Sadly there has been deaths since. It's a terrible aspect to the sport. Tho Dr Sid Watkins and Sir Jackie Stewart did a lot to improve safety. Great share #MondayMusicMovesme

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, great music and we have Andrew Gold in common this week

  6. Love your music my friend, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Love your pictures and I was in Oakland many years ago to see my brother off before he left for overseas. He was in the Navy. U.S.S. Mars & the U.S.S. Aludra... what a great place. Have a great holiday and I loved, loved you pics thanks so much for sharing!


Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.