Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hiking at the Marin Headlands


I did some hiking in the Marin Headlands recently. It is always fun to hike around there and see the views. Rodeo Beach is part of the Headlands and I love being near the ocean;

And it is cool to see the seals, just chillin on a rock:

I love hiking around the Marin Headlands and Rodeo Beach. It is a super place to enjoy a day.


  1. Love the pic of the seals. Great escape for the day!

  2. What a wonderful adventure, Pat!
    Hiking in the Marin Headlands sounds like the perfect way to spend a day. The views must have been breathtaking, especially with Rodeo Beach nearby.
    The seals lounging on the rocks add such a charming touch to the experience.

    Love the photos.

  3. Hi, Patrick. You have so many different experiences. The seals would be fun to see. Could you hear them, do they even make any sounds? I find those big waves a bit intimidating.
    Thank you for sharing!! I enjoy seeing all of your images.
    Take care and best wishes.

  4. Beautiful photos! Is it hot hiking there this time of year?

    1. That area there is one of the coolest in the Bay Area.

  5. Beautiful. Wow, what great shots. I would have loved this hike.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, Patrick. ☺


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