Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Visit to Capital Books


I was walking around the California State Capitol and I found this little book store called Capital Books. Since, I never met a book store I didn't like I had to go in:

And you enter a portal and head downstairs:

And head into a world of science fiction, gaming, Funkos and graphic novels:

Capital Books in Sacramento is one of the cooler bookstores I have ever been to:


  1. Awesome! What a charming book shop.
    Visiting today from Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot #8,9&10.

  2. I never pass up a book store. Beautiful shots.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, Patrick. ☺


Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.