Monday, July 1, 2024

A Visit to the Alameda County Fair 2024


I went and had some fun at the Alameda Country Fair. There was the usual fair fun things to do. Sadly, on the day I went the livestock pavilion was closed to a massive cleaning:

And rides (even though I am not a ride person:

And some food:

My dinner:

For my dinner, I went totally different with Teriyaki Chicken, Fried Rice, Lo Mein and a Veggie Egg Roll

There was also music. The bottom two photos are from the pop group The Fray which played at the Fair:

The Alameda Country Fair was a very fun time and I truly enjoyed myself. 


  1. ...I love a county fair, we go to two each summer. Have a wonderful week.

  2. I think I've heard of the Fray...must google what song I know (cos brain not kicked in yet this morning). Lovely pics of your annual fair! #Allseasons

  3. That's quite an impressive fair. How cool that the Fray were playing there too!

  4. I've not gone to the fair in years, but when I did I loved all the food. Yummy stuff to eat.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Patrick. ☺

  5. Whst a fab country fair thanks for sharing the pics Patrick 👍
    Have a fairtastic week 👍

  6. Looks like a lot of fun!
    I, too, am not really a ride person. Definitely more into the food and music 😺

    Happy WW and have a great week!

  7. This looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing at

  8. What a lovely visit and that food is so good looking, must have been a feast.
    Found your post at Comedy Plus - Wordless Wednesday. My entries this week are numbered #49+50
    Please join and share your posts with us

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Looks absolutely delicious and I can imagine that a whole lot of fun was had.

  11. That looks like such a fun fair!

  12. I love those county fairs! Thanks for being part of the "My Sunday Best" meme

  13. Looks like a fun fair. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  14. Fair food is always delicious. I like to people watch! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
    Take care and best wishes.

  15. What a fun time. Fair food (and desserts) are awesome.
    Visiting today from ge.ner.ic linkup 39 #4,5&6

  16. This looks like a fun time at the county fair! Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #45.

  17. Thank you for sharing your awesome trip to the fair with Sweet Tea & Friend's this month.


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