Monday, September 2, 2024

Extraordinary at The Exploratorium


The Exploratorium in San Francisco is finishing off an exhibit in which artists took everyday objects and made art out of them. I guess you can say that it is Extraordinary: 

The Exploratorium always has something cool to see and I really enjoyed this. 


  1. ...thanks for showing me around, I wish that I had been able to be there. The shoe art is neat!

  2. What a good exhibit and so clever too :-)
    Have an artistictastic week and thanls for linking up 👍

  3. I love these kinds of exhibits. Such fun.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Patrick. ☺

  4. I love the refracted light rainbows and the shadow face - brilliant #Allseasons

  5. Some really interesting creations. I particularly like that one with the saxophones 🎷

    Happy WW and have a great week!

  6. Extraordinary creations indeed. Thank you for showing us these exhibits.
    I've never been to the Exploratorium. I love how there's so much to see and do in SF!

  7. A great idea to spark creativity. Thanks for sharing at Is This Mutton

  8. What a fun display. So clever and creative! It's neat to see what people can dream up and create. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #46 linkup! We hope to see you again at #47 sharing more posts, old or new.

  9. Clever, with a good dose of humour. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  10. That's a clever and creative exhibit. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.


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