Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Tributes to San Francisco at the Voss Gallery


I was walking in the Mission District in San Francisco and noticed this small gallery called the Voss Gallery and they had an art exhibit that highlighted local artists with their tribute to San Francisco:

I love these art pieces. They represent the city so well.


  1. These are some really special works of art; I love that they all have their own distinct style.

  2. Love that art gallery, so vibrant and tell history of San Francisco....

  3. I love them all, but the cable car and the golden gate bridge are my favorites.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Patrick. ☺

  4. I like the ones with the golden gate bridges as well.
    Thank you for sharing at My Sunday Snapshot. Looking forward to seeing you next Sunday!
    Take care and best wishes.


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