Sunday, February 2, 2025

Music Monday: Another Strange Mix

 Music Monday: I have been all over the place musically this week. Here is a pretty strange mix of songs:

And because there is a little game being played next Sunday. Here is the song that the NFL used before Super Bowl (XIX)- Forty Years Ago as they were trying to be hip and cool:

Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. Not strange at all. Someone who commented on the Miley Cyrus/Metallica video compared her voice in this video to Stevie Nicks', and they are right. She was AMAZING and I'm not a huge fan of Miley. Every time I see Lindsay Stirling play it makes me wish I had learned to play the violin. Finally, that huge pub choir was a joy to listen to.

  2. When I spotted Miley and Metallica on the same song, I thought..."Okay that's interesting." I get the Stevie Nicks comparison but Miley gets too throaty to suit me, though. I thought the duet parts were really good. I love Lindsey Stirling! She's so talented and I always love her energy. I got tickled with your description of the Superbowl "a little game". lol Fabulous collection of songs and not at all strange. Thanks for joining the 4M party, Patrick. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  3. Oh, we love the mixed up😸That was a purrfect match of Metallica and Miley Cyrus and we so love the song of Maria McKee. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

  4. Interesting mix! 😎 I especially enjoyed Miley singing my favourite Metallica song. Love her voice! ❤️

  5. These are s great mix. Love all the audience participating in the song and love Modern English


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