Monday, February 3, 2025

Rare Books San Francisco 2025

 I went to Rare Books San Francisco and it was amazing to see what there (All books are first editions)

Signed by Winston Churchill

Sir Isaac Newton-1704

First American Edition

Thomas Paine-1751

Service Book and Instruction for Priests-1764

And they had some other cool stuff as well:

1960's Souper Dress

From 1845

World War I

One thing was that was super cool was a they had a section for local people with their publishing:

Kate Laster

Tomato Bird

And the most valuable thing I saw there will set you back a mere $225,000:

I really enjoyed going to  Rare Books San Francisco. I am always amazed by what I see.


  1. Holy cow that is one expensive Harry Potter! What a neat place to explore.

  2. I cannot stress how much I love this post! Those books alone are amazing!

  3. THat's sad Harry Potter is worth more than War of the Worlds or Old Man and the Sea. But I guess it's all fashion....#TravelTuesday

  4. super cool! i want to go!

  5. I've got The War of the Worlds on my bookshelf but it's not nearly as old as that one! What a fascinating place to visit.

  6. Looks like a wonderful event!
    $225K for Harry Potter, though, seems a little excessive 😹

  7. ...watching The Antique Roadshow, I fine some book prices to amazing!

  8. Hubby would love exploring this bookstore. He has several first additions.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Patrick. ☺

  9. Gosh this looks like a treasure trove! Thank you so much for sharing and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.

  10. Wow, that looks like such a fun place!! Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #55 linkup! Hope to see you again at #56. :)

  11. How wonderful! I love books and this exhibition is right up my alley. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  12. That looks like a fun place to browse. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.


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