Monday, June 12, 2017

Bay Area Book Festival 2017

I went to the Bay Area Book Festival in streets of Downtown Berkeley. As usual it was a wonderful time in meeting a lot of talented authors and seeing what they have written:

The creators of the Little Lemon That Leapt" -Karen Sanders Betts and Hannah Howerton
Katie Mullaly of the Land of Children series

Richard DiGiacomo who signed the book I bought from him "Historical Gems of the San Francisco Bay Area"

Alexis E. Fajardo of the Kid Beowulf series

E.M. Markoff and her book

Illustrator Wendy MacNaughton signing some books
Tanita Ross-Cady signing her book Estranged Behavior (a great read) for me
It was a wonderful time and as they say:


  1. I'd be in my element - I love to read!
    Thank you for linking up at

  2. My favorite place is where books are.

  3. Looked like a good day out :-)

    Have a festivaltastic week :-)

  4. Wow! There were a lot of great authors in attendance - so cool that you got those signatures!

  5. My whole family would love to be there. I finally got my 9 year old into reading. The 11 year old has always liked to read.

  6. I bet that book on the historic gems of the San Francisco area will be reflected here in your many photo tours of the sights you visit in the days and months to come, Patrick! So we are blessed by that man's writing through you! How cool is that! It's sort of like a double, triple, and on and on kind of blessing! Thanks for sharing about your journeys here, my friend! It's always a treat to visit!

  7. Love to see all the books! I would probably go home with most of them :)

  8. oh, that sounds like so much fun. I have not been to a book fair lately, and I miss it. Time for me to find out of this area has some. Blessings!

  9. I would salivate over so many neat books. ;) The Land of Children series looks very interesting! Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More!

  10. OH my gosh you found heaven!!! :)
    This would be so wonderful. What a pleasure to meet the authors.

  11. Oh my gosh! A book festival sounds amazing!

  12. This would be so much fun! Sometimes it seems that online reading has taken the fun out of holding an actual book in your hand and reading. There is nothing like a real book and I'm happy that you shared this adventure with us at Celebrate Your Story. Have an awesome weekend!

  13. There really is no such thing as too many books. So much fun to be able to meet authors and buy directly from them. You really have such a great attitude about enjoying your community. Love it.

  14. I love books, looks it was a good time. Followed you from the Writer Wednesday party.

  15. Oh, that looks fun! I love books! :) Thanks for linking up at Life at Rossmont.


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