Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Millrace Overlook


The Millrace Overlook in Eugene, Oregon is a space that runs between the Williamette River and Franklin Blvd (across the street from the University of Oregon). The Millrace was first dug in 1851 to spin waterwheels that powered the city's first industrial development. Then the waterway became a recreational canal for the city and the university. 

Post-World War II, the millrace was allowed to deteriorate. In 2018, the University of Oregon started to restore it. Since then native plants and animals have returned to the Millrace Overlook:

And since we are in Eugene, we need to cue the waterfowl:

The Millrace Overlook is a cool place to stroll and enjoy nature.


  1. Enjoyed seeing your photos and smiled at your Oregon Ducks humor :) Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 128. Pinned.

  2. That is lovely; I especially enjoy your photos of the reflections.

  3. What a beautiful place on campus!!

  4. What a pretty place. I lived in the Pacific Northwest (in Washington) but never got a chance to visit Oregon. I wish I had.


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