Sunday, April 21, 2024

Music Monday: Musicians Born in April

 For this Music Monday: Here are some musicians born in the month of April

April 2nd- Marvin Gaye:

April 8th- Julian Lennon:

 April 17th- Jan Hammer

April 20th - Luther Vandross (It gives me a chance to use this song):

April 22nd- Peter Frampton:

April 29th has two:

Carnie Wilson of Wilson Phillips:

Willie Nelson:

Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. A great selection. April produced a lot of great artists, and I enjoyed your live versions of What's Going On and Baby I Love Your Ways.

  2. Fabulous picks! Thanks for sharing and joining the party, Patrick. Have a boogietastic week!

  3. Loved listening to all of these pieces. Great set you have here.


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