Monday, April 4, 2016

Driving to Reno

I took Spring Break mostly off from this blog and headed to Reno. It had snowed 24 hours before I left and it left hillside of 1-80 and Sierra Nevada Mountains beautiful. I did take some pics while driving (not recommended) and I did stop on the side of the road to take some more:

Views like this made the drive up to Reno great.


  1. Looks like a great trip. It's April 4th and we had snow here in Southern Ontario overnight. The mildest winter on record, barely any snow, and now that Spring's here, snow. Go figure. Thanks for posting Patrick!

  2. Beautiful views along the road.Hope you have a good holiday!

  3. Very nice series.
    Thank you for sharing at

  4. Always a beautiful drive. Love the mountains (not so crazy about the snow)

    Literary Gold - Free and Bargain priced books
    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  5. Oh yes, I agree with you. The mountains breathe new life to the exhausted soul.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. Wish I was there. Still super hot here in Perth.

  7. Reno is a fun city. My husband and I drove up there a few times when we lived in Sacramento.

  8. I've always wanted to go there. I have a good friend that lives in Reno.

  9. Looks amazing. I love mountain photos and all that snow, looks cold. What an adventure and I love that you are sharing them all with us on Tuesday Talk. I've never been to Reno but looks like a beautiful part of the country.

  10. Fun. I haven't been to Reno in years.

  11. I'm glad you could take a break and enjoy the drive to your vacation spot! It does look pretty, all those white mountain peaks. Thanks for visiting and linking on my blog! Wishing you a great week.

  12. We have been hearing of all the snow piling up in Reno and surrounding area. They have really had a lot this year, which is a good thing!

  13. Patrick, Nice pix! We've gone to the mountains a few times recently, but thankfully it was beautiful ~ blue skies and lots of sun. We did see a small pile of dirty snow in the shaded part of the parking lot at Mt. Mitchell the other day. It gets really cold there at night. I hope you had a good time in Reno. Thanks for sharing the views. :)

    Curious as a Cathy
    All Things Vintage: Elvgren Art #AprilA2Z

  14. So love to see snow again! Now no more driving and taking photos at the same time!!

  15. Really nice view! I wouldnt mind a long drive as long as the view I am seeing is as pretty as these ones!

  16. Thanks for sharing this on Peace, Love, Link-Up! This caught my eye for the lovely pictures.

    I am going to feature this post on my next link-up this Friday the 8th. Stop by and share any other things you have going on!

  17. Thank you for sharing on Monday Madness link party! This pictures are beyond beautiful I love them! Thanks again for sharing and I hope to see you next week! :)

  18. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)

  19. The views look lovely. I love a snow capped peak. It looks like it had snowed quite a bit.

    Sally @ Life Loving


Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.