Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Dahlia Garden


In Golden Gate Park is a garden called the Dahlia Garden. The Dahlia is the official flower of San Francisco:

It is a beautiful and colorful part of the park.


  1. I LOVE dahlias Patrick - these are all beautiful and the colours are stunning. It must have been a wonderful place to wander through.

  2. These are beautiful and I love the colors. Thank you for linking up.

  3. Those are beautiful. Dahlias are my favorite. I hope to grow some again someday.

  4. Beautiful flowers - so colourul and cheery. Don't forget to link back to #Allseasons (

  5. Beautiful flowers. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  6. Gorgeous! I've been to Golden Gate Park, but I missed the dahlias. I'll have to go back to see them.

  7. My favourite flowers and you've snapped some beauties!

  8. What a wonderful post - loved learning this fact about SF!
    Happy October to you Patrick and CONGRATS on being one of our Featured Friends at our 500th Celebration of Friendship Friday at Create With Joy! :-)


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