Thursday, January 4, 2024

Spectator Books


I was in Oakland and found this cool little bookstore called Spectator Books:

And I did walk way with this book. I have started to read it and it is so interesting:

Spectator Books is one of those spots in Oakland that you never hear about but it is a super cool spot. 


  1. Seeing so many books in one place makes me smile

  2. Is very interesting to have a great library like this near home.!!

  3. I also like small, livingroom-like bookstores like this. We once had one in town, but unfortunately it didn't survive. Do they mainly have second-hand books? In any case, it seems very cozy there and you have a large selection.
    I wish you and everyone you love a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year 🍄🍀!
    All the best, Traude

  4. That looks like such a fabulous little bookstore!


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