Monday, January 27, 2025

A Visit to Valley of Fire State Park


When I was in Nevada, I took a visit to the Valley of Fire State Park:

And I got see some wildlife:

The Valley of Fire State Park is one of the most beautiful spots on Earth.


  1. Oh so neat! I LOVE getting to see wildlife at state and national parks (though as a group of 5 or 6 we're rarely quiet enough for that).

  2. The goat pic is so cute....I think I said last time I'd be scared to camp there, it's so remote - and vast, as we see here. #Allseasons

  3. Wow, that is an absolutely gorgeous place! Thank you for taking me along for a visit.

    Happy WW and hope you have a great week!

  4. Beautiful place. It's the place that hubby and I would love to explore.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week, Patrick. ☺

  5. Wow, beautiful but so desolate! The rock formations are interesting.

  6. ...thanks for taking me along to see this barren beauty!

  7. Wonderful! I'm fascinated by rock formations!
    Thank you for sharing these sights. Valley of Fire is high on my wishlist. :)

  8. Such an interesting place - beautiful in a sort of haunting way. And what great luck to get the wildlife photos too. Thanks for sharing with Everyday Images!

  9. Wow, these are some stunning images - they would make sensational wallpapers for a PC or such-like! Thank you for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  10. My husband and I went there to visit (two days in a row, I believe) when we traveled as NPS Volunteers. It is quite stunning!

  11. Amazing place and wonderful shots! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  12. Such wonderful photos. That place looks awesome!

  13. Beautiful landscape and how nice to see wildlife too. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  14. How beautiful. What a great place to explore indeed.
    Thanks bunches for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend.


Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.