Sunday, January 26, 2025

Music Monday: Songs That are in the Cold

 They say that January is the cruelest month as it is usually dark and cold. Here are some songs on this Music Monday that remind us of the cold:

Hope everyone keeps warm this week.


  1. Totally agree with your take on January! This one has been especially cruel as we had some melted snow come through the roof and we now have to deal with some water damage restoration and repairs. Listening to these songs has cheered me up though! I am going to add them to my winter playlist. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. Nice choices, I had Colder Weather too. :)

  3. The only good thing about January is that it ends eventually! (No wonder we celebrate Groundhog's Day). My favorites today were Zac Brown Band's Colder Weather and Tori Amos.


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