Friday, January 3, 2025

Japanese Tastes in Chinese Ceramics


The Asian Art Museum had an interesting exhibit called "Japanese Tastes in Chinese Ceramics" that illustrated the artistic and cultural exchange between China and Japan from the 12th Century to the 19th Century. It also demonstrates the importance of Chinese art to the Japanese tea culture:

19th Century Freshwater Jar

16th Century Plate

15th Century Jar

19th Century Vase

18th Century Tray Table

12th Century Tea Bowl

It was very cool thing to see these ceramics. It is amazing that they are still in existence today.


  1. I think from memory my mother had Japanese bowls when I was growing up, one was used for sugar.

  2. Beautiful. I want them all. Wow.

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    Have a fabulous day and week, Patrick. ☺


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