Monday, November 16, 2020

The Sculpture Garden of the de Young Museum


I actually was able to go to the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park. I bought my membership in January and because of COVID-19, they were closed from mid-March until late October. They opened up on a limited basis and I was able to go. Yippie Skippy. I am glad I went because it looks like they are going to close again but here is a look at the Sculpture Garden which is outside:

The head is an actual beehive

I have so missed going to the various art museums around the Bay Area but I realize that we need to keep safe. 


  1. I’m glad you got to go. It sounds like your membership has mostly been a waste but at least you’re supporting them. So many establishments rely on customers and this pandemic has forced so many places to close for good. Thanks for linking on Amanda’s Books and More. Keep safe!

  2. Nice post and photos glad you got to go in the end I always enjoy your tours :-)

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  3. Wow! Those are some really neat sculptures!

  4. I tend to prefer less abstract work, but I have to acknowledge the talent of the artist(s) here.
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. I enjoy sculpture outside - Sometimes all I want to do is touch a statue.

  6. I would love to see this.
    I have bought memberships to most of our museums this year. I actually love having to get timed entry tickets to control the crowds.

  7. How great that you were able to visit the De Young. I haven't been since COVID. But if the weather improves I might want to at least get to the sculpture garden - I love the abstract sculptures in the more natural setting.

  8. Okay...some interesting art for a lovely day out. Glad you had a good day at the museum.

  9. gook sculpturs,especially the Beehive head one!

  10. Love them all, but the beehive one is my favorite. That's brilliant.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day, Patrick. ☺

  11. You go see the most interesting stuff my friend. The statute with the head of a beehive is totally wild! Thanks for sharing all of these! They're fabulous!

  12. So cool, Patrick! So the beehive head sculpture...did that occur naturally or is it actually an intended part of that piece? I love the giant safety pin! Thanks for linking.


  13. That's some great creativity! But the beehive is....unusual :)

    I'm so happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  14. Wow ! All of these sculptures are stunning.It would be my pleasure if you share your post related to gardening here at


Love hearing comments on stuff. Please tell me what you think of the places I have been to. If you like them or not. I love comments.