Tuesday, February 5, 2013

In Honor of Our Heroes

The Crosses of Lafayette Hiilside
Something I have meaning to do for a long time is go out to the Crosses of Lafayette Hillside and see the memorial to our troops that have been lost in Iraq since the Iraqi War began. It started in 2006 when the residents of Lafayette and the neighboring towns decided to put up crosses to represent and memorialize American soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq. It is across the street from the Lafayette BART station.

I went and took my two teen-agers and we all thought it was a very moving and powerful experience:

The number of deaths in Iraq
Another View of Hillside
A cross for one of our Muslim brothers who gave their life 
A Jewish brother
All faiths have given their lives
He is not just a solider, he is someone's love
He/she is not just a solider, he/she  is someone's son or daughter
He is not just a soldier, he is someone's father
He is not just a solider, he is someone's friend
In honor


  1. Hi, Patrick! Thanks for commenting on Shona Skye Creations and pointing me in the direction of your blog. I just followed you back via GFC.

    I read all comments and answer by email. You are a no-reply commenter, so I can comment back. But if you ever want to change that, there is a link on my blog, under the "About Me" on the right.

    This looks very moving. I love a couple miles from Jefferson Barracks National cemetery That's a very sobering place, too.

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  2. @Kristy-I think I changed the setting right. I followed the directions and hope that it worked


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