Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Art of Robert Dowd

I am at the John Wayne Airport a bunch and last Sunday my flight left in a part of the airport I had never been in. I noticed a bunch of paintings and thought they were cool. It turns out it is exhibit of the famous pop artist Robert Dowd (1936-1996). He was famous for painting currency as spoof and got in some hot water with the Secret Service for doing so. Also he painted postage stamps. Pretty cool:

"Hawaii $1"
"Inverted Jenny'
"8 Cent Propeller"
"$1 Gold Certificate"
"24 Cent Airmail"
"One Dollar Van Gogh"
"Wing Globe"


  1. I knew Robert Dowd when I was a young lad, and he had quite a profound effect on my view of what "Art" is. I still have one of his paintings from his Circus series ca. 1965. My wife hates it, so it has a permanent spot in the Garage. So much for Art appreciation from the masses.

    1. I think that the masses are wrong a lot. It should be hung in the living room because in doing some research I have found out that Dowd is a really popular artist.

  2. I knew Bob Dowd and his wife Mara very well, and helped him build one of his large sculptures. Bob seemed to be trailed by bad luck, and his final illness was very sad. He could have bought health insurance with the proceeds of just one of his paintings.


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